
To mark the 20th anniversary of LANDLUST: Deutsche Post issues special stamps

Four seasonally designed sheets with stamps for standard letters

LANDLUST fans and stamp collectors can rejoice: in honor of the 20th anniversary of LANDLUST magazine, an exclusive special stamp edition is being released in cooperation with Deutsche Post AG. The edition is limited to 500,000 copies.

“A stamp is more than just a postage stamp - it is a small work of art that conveys memories and tells stories. Just like LANDLUST, they preserve a piece of tradition and invite you to sharpen your eye for something special. We are therefore delighted that Deutsche Post is honoring our magazine in this way for its anniversary,” explains Frank Gloystein, publisher of LANDLUST at Deutsche Medien-Manufaktur.

“We are delighted to dedicate one of our strictly limited special editions to country life. The result is a collection of beautiful motifs from the LANDLUST magazine that perfectly combine nature and letter writing over the four seasons,” says Dr. Alexander Plum, Head of Product Management Letter at Deutsche Post.

The LANDLUST collection comprises four sheets, each with four self-adhesive stamps for standard letters. Each sheet is dedicated to a season. The LANDLUST editorial team has selected motifs for spring, summer, fall and winter. They come from the magazine productions of recent years and show everyday situations, flora and fauna as well as creative craft ideas. One highlight is the LANDLUST angels made from wooden logs and plaster wings. This creative idea triggered a rush for plaster bandages in 2011.

The LANDLUST stamps are a versatile edition for stamp collectors and lovers of rural motifs. And perfect for sending and giving as a gift: ideal for anyone who wants to send a piece of nature and creativity with a loving greeting.

The stamps are presented in LANDLUST issue #2/2025, which will be available in stores from February 14. A sheet with four different 0.95 euro stamps costs 4.95 euros. They are available at deutschepost.de/landlust or by telephone on 0961 3818-3818.

Cover portrait:
LANDLUST, the most successful magazine launch in Germany in recent decades, has now grown into a brand family: with several spin-off magazines for Easter or Christmas, for example, a wide-reaching online store, workshops on various creative topics, a wool collection popular with specialist retailers, a seal of approval for excellent country hotels and numerous newsletters on kitchen, knitting and other creative topics.

The publisher:
LANDLUST is published by Deutsche Medien-Manufaktur (DMM), a wholly owned subsidiary of Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster. DMM owns the brands LANDLUST, ESSEN & TRINKEN, LIVING AT HOME, FLOW, LANDLUST EINFACH HAUSGEMACHT, LANDLUST ZUHAUS and ESSEN & TRINKEN LOW CARB.

Press contact:
Myriam Spätling
Deutsche Medien-Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG | Hülsebrockstraße 2-8 | 48165 Münster
Tel.: 02501 801 2845 | E-Mail: myriam.spaetling@DMMVerlag.de
www.landlust.de | www.DMMVerlag.de