
Book presentation: Jewish Country Life - Forgotten Worlds in Westphalia at the LWL Open-Air Museum Detmold

On 11 June, the book launch for Gisbert Strotdrees' recently published book 'Jüdisches Landleben - Vergessene Welten in Westfalen' took place at the Detmold Open-Air Museum. Numerous guests from politics, the press and academia as well as other interested parties came together in the evening to talk about the book, listen to the presentations and discover the history of the museum.

The guests arrived early and explored the museum grounds. The 'Uhlmann House', the only Jewish home in a German open-air museum, which is part of the small reconstructed village, was particularly eye-catching. Later, everyone gathered in the banqueting hall in the 'Im Weißen Ross' restaurant. The author, Gisbert Strotdrees, was delighted with the lively attendance and talked about his journey into the history of Jewish rural life and how he was pleased with the interest shown by readers.

From the history of the book's creation to a panel discussion - everything had its place. Together with Prof. Dr Miriam Rürup, Director of the Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies in Potsdam, Dr Marie Luisa Allemeyer, historian and cultural anthropologist and Director of the LWL Open-Air Museum in Detmold, and Barbara Rüschoff-Parzinger, State Councillor and Head of the Cultural Department of the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe, an entertaining and exciting exchange took place, which the audience followed with great interest. One visitor remarked that 'you could practically feel the collective knowledge and interest of all the speakers'.

During the discussions, not only topics such as professions were addressed, but also inventions that were developed and realised by Jewish farmers. The location of the book presentation is therefore particularly important to the author: 'The Detmold Open-Air Museum is the only museum with a Jewish country house still in existence. [...] It shows that Jews were naturally part of Westphalian rural life.'

Gisbert Strotdrees as well as museum director Dr Marie Luisa Allemeyer and Jana Neubert, head of LV.Buch, were delighted with the successful evening. Dr Allemeyer said: 'It is the purpose and task of our museum to encourage people to engage with history and learn about new facets of the past. Few people realise just how much Jews shaped everyday life in the countryside and were an important part of society. That's why I'm particularly pleased about this book and evenings like tonight's.'

In addition to the knowledgeable exchange, the evening provided space for numerous talks.

At the end, the participants expressed their thanks. Jana Neubert closes the event with a good feeling: 'A successful evening that the publishing house, the museum and all participants can be very proud of. I look forward to more events of this kind.'

Jüdisches Landleben – Vergessene Welten in Westfalen
Gisbert Strotdrees
24,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-7843-5781-2
Available in bookshops or at www.buchweltshop.de