
Gisbert Strotdrees receives the Beckum-Warendorf District Heritage and History Association's History Award

Gisbert Strotdrees, editor of the Wochenblatt für Landwirtschaft und Landleben, has been honoured with the 2024 History Prize of the Kreisheimat- und Geschichtsverein Beckum-Warendorf (KHGV) (annex). The prize is awarded annually for works that have dealt with the history of the district of Warendorf or one or more municipalities, villages, farming communities or areas in an outstanding manner.

‘Gisbert Strotdrees is a worthy winner and an excellent expert on the history of Westphalia,’ says Dr Ludger Schulze Pals, Managing Director of Landwirtschaftsverlag, which publishes the weekly newspaper. Strotdrees focuses in particular on the history of agriculture and rural life in Westphalia in his journalistic and publishing work. Everyday culture is often at the centre of his reporting. This year saw the publication of his book ‘Jüdisches Landleben: Forgotten Worlds in Westphalia’ was published this year.

The prize is awarded annually and is endowed with 1,500 euros. The public award ceremony will take place on Friday, 18 October 2024 from 4 pm at Museum Abtei Liesborn (Abteiring 8, 59329 Wadersloh-Liesborn).