Gabriele Blömker
02501 801-1670
With an ESG score of 75%, the Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster group of companies is one of the most sustainable companies in Münsterland (Sustainable service providers - 2bgood). This is confirmed by the latest issue of ‘Münsterland Manager’. The assessment is based on the 2bgood ESG score developed by Brinkschulte Medien Essen together with sustainability experts, which is calculated from the answers to a standardised catalogue of 32 questions. The score relates to the three dimensions of sustainability: environment (E), social (S) and governance (G). This gives the Landwirtschaftsverlag Group a score of 61% in the environmental dimension, 98% in the social dimension (treatment of employees) and 67% in the governance category (company management).
‘Our goal is to be climate-neutral in Münster by 2030. We have committed ourselves to this as a partner of the Münster Climate City Agreement. Sustainable energy generation with geothermal energy and PV systems, a job ticket for local public transport, the e-mobility concept for company cars and already 20 charging points that employees can also use for their private electric cars contribute to this goal, as does the careful selection of our business partners. For example, we rely on FSC or PEFC certification for the wood used by our paper suppliers. When selecting our printing partners, we ensure that they use low-pollutant inks and comply with ISO 14001 standards for environmental management,’ says Marc Schürmann, Commercial Director of Landwirtschaftsverlag, listing a few examples of the Group's approach.
‘We want to present ourselves as an attractive employer and we want to achieve our corporate goals with motivated employees,’ says Cord Brandes, Head of Human Resources at the Landwirtschaftsverlag Group, describing the sustainability goals in the area of social affairs. ‘The compatibility of work and family, personal development and the development of skills, especially for high-potential employees, as well as the equal representation of women and men in management positions play a major role in this. In addition, there are many measures to promote cohesion within the company. This is particularly important after the coronavirus period and with a high proportion of mobile working.’
According to the EU Commission's new proposals, Landwirtschaftsverlag will probably not have to submit a sustainability report next year. ‘We welcome this step towards reducing bureaucracy, but we will still implement the key elements of the sustainability report, as they provide important information for company management and continuously improve our sustainability process,’ Marc Schürmann emphasises. Sustainability remains an important topic at Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster. This is also ensured by the cross-departmental sustainability team at Landwirtschaftsverlag, which is constantly developing and implementing new ideas.
About the ESG score from 2bgood
2bgood shows small and medium-sized companies a pragmatic way to carry out an initial sustainability assessment quickly and easily. The 32 questions are based on reporting standards such as the German Sustainability Code (DNK) and the SD-KPI standards. They take into account the EU directives on sustainability reporting, but remain practicable. General, cross-industry criteria that can be derived from typical company data are included. In collaboration with sustainability reporting experts, a sustainability catalogue was developed which, together with the underlying industry-specific benchmarks, enables both intra-industry and cross-industry comparisons. 2bgood is an approach that lowers the entry barriers to sustainability assessment and at the same time ensures that the assessment is practicable and comparable. Currently, 800 companies are listed with their ESG score on 2bgood.
Press contact
Marc Schürmann
Commercial Director of Landwirtschaftsverlag
Tel. +49 151-40451184
Hülsebrockstr. 2–8, 48165 Münster
Cord Brandes
Head of Human Resources Landwirtschaftsverlag
Tel. +49 175-5431749
Hülsebrockstr. 2–8, 48165 Münster
About the Landwirtschaftsverlag
With a total turnover of over 130 million euros, the Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster group of companies with its media and service offerings in the areas of agriculture, food and rural life is one of the ten highest-turnover German specialist publishers and one of the 100 largest German media companies.
The group of companies employs more than 900 people in Münster and at its other locations in Germany, Poland, Austria and the Netherlands.