
rheingold salon receives special market research award for the study „Zukunfts-Bauer“

The market research company rheingold salon receives the special prize of „planung&analyse“, the renowned trade journal for market research and marketing from the dfv publishing house, for its study „Zukunfts-Bauer“. The study shows that agriculture and the rest of society have largely become alienated from each other and provides concrete solutions as to how this state of affairs can be overcome with a new narrative, with a new narrative that creates meaning.

The comprehensive study was conducted by Jens Lönneker, Marco Diefenbach and Lukas Struwe. In cooperation with the German Farmers' Association, the Westfälisch-Lippischer Landwirtschaftsverband (WLV), the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft and sponsored by the Stiftung Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster, it was published last year as a book by LV.Buch im Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.

The central finding of the study is that the image of the farmer as a „shaper of the future“ is equally positive among consumers and farmers. A future-shaper farms sustainably, also cares about the environment, animal welfare, climate and consumer protection, produces renewable energies and uses innovative technologies to achieve the best possible yields with less fertilization and crop protection.

This approach is consistently implemented by the „Zukunfts-Bauer“ concept. The German Farmers' Association now has a Future Farmer Officer and the results of the study have been presented at various farmers' conferences and marketing clubs. Initial measures have been developed and implemented in practice on the ground (for more information, see Deutscher Bauernverband e.V. - #Zukunftsbauer).

As a member of the jury and laudator, Hartmut Scheffler, consultant and former managing director of Kantar, praised above all the fact that the makers of the study succeeded in activating changes from market research that have relevance for society as a whole. At the same time, he emphasized that the study's approach could certainly be transferred to other industries as a prime example.

Jens Lönneker, co-founder and managing director of rheingold salon: „We were able to empirically prove that narratives can hardly be influenced with education and rational arguments alone. You have to go much deeper, listen to contrary opinions and bring them together. That's the only way to overcome divides. We have done all this with our concept, and we are rock-solidly convinced that our model of narrative psychology can also be applied in other contexts.“

Hermann Bimberg, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Stiftung Landwirtschaftsverlag: We are delighted to have been able to support the „Zukunfts-Bauer“ project with Stiftung Landwirtschaftsverlag. The foundation was established for projects that help to initiate, implement and appropriately accompany social issues in rural areas. Improving the social acceptance of agriculture, which is the goal of the Zukunfts-Bauer project, is undoubtedly such a concern.

About the book:

Jens Lönneker, Marco Diefenbach und Lukas Struwe
Zukunfts-Bauer - Über die Analyse und Gestaltung des öffentlichen Vertrauens
LV.Buch im Landwirtschaftsverlag
108 pages, hardcover, 20 x 28 cm
ISBN: 978-3-7843-5733-1