Through its own developments and also through the purchase of companies and products, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster continually adapts its offerings to the needs of agriculture. In independent subsidiaries, special media for agriculture, rural areas and special target groups are developed and published.
AgriDirect BV
Markt 6
NL-6088 BP Roggel
Other participation:
AgriDirect Deutschland GmbH
Textilstrasse 2
41751 Viersen
Deutsche Medien-Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG
Hülsebrockstr. 2-8
48165 Münster
Hülsebrockstr. 2-8
48165 Münster
Other participation:
pixel-kraft GmbH
Rahlandsweg 11
27432 Bremervörde
VetVise GmbH
Bünteweg 2
30559 Hannover
Hülsebrockstraße 2-8
48165 Münster
Other participation:
Regal Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Florido Tower
Floridsdorfer Hauptstraße 1
1210 Wien, Österreich
ul. Metalowa 5
60-118 Poznán, Polen
Through participations in publishing houses and other companies in Germany and abroad, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster is constantly adapting to the changing times, gradually supplementing its offerings for agriculture and thus ensuring the fulfillment of its mission to procure, prepare and offer information for agriculture.
Wilhelmsaue 37
10713 Berlin
Other participation:
HK-Verlag, eLeDia, Hektar Nektar und EGE
Eschborner Landstraße 122
60489 Frankfurt/Main
Dreizehnmorgenweg 10
53175 Bonn
Presse- und Informationsdienst GmbH
Kessenicher Straße 221
53129 Bonn
Porschestr. 2
87437 Kempten
Nevinghoff 40
48147 Münster